Head Office       519-858-9338      427 Exeter Rd, London      7:30 - 5:30PM (Mon - Fri)

OTDS.com | Ontario Truck Driving School

On The Road to Success!

Class AR

Course information may vary by location.


Short Scope:

This is an automatic transmission, 3-day program consisting of two 5-hour session booked close to your road test date, performed using a passenger van and flat bed electric brake trailer.

Full Scope:

The A Restricted program consists of 10 hours of practical training and use of our vehicle for the road test.  This training consists of road test preparation, pre-trip inspections, trailer coupling & uncoupling, backing up, city & highway driving.  We ask that you write the Class A written test at the Drivetest Centre. Once completed and all fees owed to Drivetest Centre have been paid, you will be eligible for a road test, which we will book for you. This Fast Track program is designed to teach students how to safely operate class AR vehicles and obtain the license in a short period of time.  Based on your availability, we try to bring you in for two 5-hour practical training sessions nearest to your road test date.

Commercial Motor Vehicle Inspections


●    You must hold a minimum of a G class license to obtain an AR

●    AR covers all D class vehicles

●    Once the AR is obtained, you can have the C class put on your license by writing the C written knowledge test at Drivetest Centre (after passing the AR road test)



The following outlines the necessary requirements prior to registration into any of our programs.

  1. Complete Your Driver Medical Exam (Commercial Medical Standards)
    This can be done by your family doctor or at a walk-in clinic.  The necessary medical form is available at our office, DriveTest centres and Service Ontario.  We have attached the medical form here for your convenience.  When printing the attachment, kindly make a 2-sided copy.  Make a copy of the completed medical for your records.
  2. Study the MTO Truck Handbook before taking the written test
    This book is available free online or for purchase at OTDS, Service Ontario, Drivetest Centres and Canadian Tire.  For Practice tests click here
  3. When you’ve finished studying, take your completed medical form to Drivetest and write the AR written test
    Upon successful completion of the written test, please obtain proof of completion, normally reflected on the yellow sheet.



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