Interior Walls


This 22-hour course covers building exterior and interior walls, as well as renovating partition walls.



In this 22-hour course, you will acquire the following skills:

1. Building an Exterior Wall: 
– Proper placement of studs and understanding nailing patterns.
– Constructing a window opening with precision.
– Ensuring the squareness of your wall.
– Plywood sheathing techniques, including nailing patterns.

2. Building an Interior Wall:
– Nailing studs and adhering to effective nailing patterns.
– Techniques for standing a wall and securely fastening it to another.
– Measuring a double top plate accurately.
– Achieving proper leveling for your wall.

3. Renovating a Partition Wall:
– Identifying whether a wall is load-bearing.
– Demolition procedures for a partition wall.
– Step-by-step guidance on constructing a new wall.

Interior Walls

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